Is Liposuction the Same as Liposculpture?

Medically Reviewed on 12/29/2022
Liposuction vs Liposculpture
Both liposuction and liposculpture procedures have the same recovery time.

Liposuction is the same as liposculpture. However, different suction methods are used to remove fat.

There have been several advancements in liposuction techniques, and new terms are used to describe these improved techniques.

Liposculpture is one of the advanced liposuction techniques. Fat is removed from the body, and then creative body sculpting is done to make the body look more aesthetically pleasing.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure where excess fat is removed from the body using an instrument called a cannula. It is a thin, metal tube linked to suction that is put into incisions to suck out unwanted fat deposits.

Liposuction is an older procedure. It is purely fat removal without any shaping. It does not provide three-dimensional contouring.

Liposuction can remove stubborn subcutaneous fat that is resistant to diet and exercise from areas of the body, such as the following:

  • Thighs
  • Love handles
  • Chest
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen

Liposuction eliminates and kills fat cells forever. The body's new contour is permanent after liposuction.

If a person gains weight following liposuction, the liposuction area will not develop as much fat as other untreated portions of the body. Excessive weight gain can make a person appear disproportionate.

What is liposculpture?

Liposculpture is a more refined and advanced liposuction technique that includes additional procedures. It includes contouring and reshaping the body to provide better aesthetics. 

Liposculpture requires more attention to detail. Fat is eliminated selectively from specific areas to obtain the desired shape.

Liposculpture entails preserving body outlines (shape or curves) and is used for more sensitive locations. It is great for the face, neckline, double chins, knees, and lower legs, as well as the conventional sections of the body with more fat deposits.

Usually, additional procedures, such as tummy tucks or face lifts, could be done to remove sagging skin and produce a toned appearance. In certain instances, the removed fat could be used as natural fillers and transferred back into the body, such as the face or under the eyes, to produce a natural plumper look.

Who is an ideal candidate for liposuction?

Liposuction or liposculpture is not a weight loss procedure and cannot replace diet and proper exercise. It helps physically fit people get rid of unwanted, stubborn fat pockets in the face, torso, breast, arms, or legs that do not go away with exercise or diet.

Ideal candidates for liposuction

  • People at a healthy weight with good skin elasticity
  • Mentally and physically well individuals with no uncontrolled medical issues
  • People have reasonable and realistic expectations
  • Nonsmokers or those who are ready to quit smoking for an extended period before and after surgery

Recovery following liposuction

Both liposuction and liposculpture procedures have the same recovery time. You may have some swelling, bruising, and numbness in the region immediately after surgery, which will fade over a week.

By following all your doctor's instructions, such as wearing compression garments and walking regularly, you can recover in two to three weeks.

For minor liposuction procedures, it may take two weeks to recover. Sometimes, swelling will remain longer, and complete healing may take many weeks.

More extensive liposuction takes longer to recover than other procedures.

The recovery period depends on the size of the region of fat removal, the person’s age, and how well the doctor’s instructions were followed.


What is weight loss surgery? See Answer
Medically Reviewed on 12/29/2022
Image Source: iStock image


Liposuction Liposculpture - Marbella Madrid - Body Contouring.